Saturday, December 17, 2011


I just learnt the most awful news. One of my servants told me Mordechai was wailing outside the King's gate, so I sent one of my servants, Hasach, to go see what was wrong. Mordechai told me that all of the Jews in Shushan have been sentenced to death.

I briefly mentioned Haman before. Xerxes had promoted Haman to the highest power a minister can get, and everyone needs to bow down to him now.  But Mordechai didn't bow to him once, and Haman got really mad. Some of the other king's guards told Haman that Mordechai was Jewish, and Haman was livid. And basically, he's planning on killing all the Jews!! Xerxes agreed to it because Haman promised him an allotment of money in the palace treasury if he let things proceed.  Xerxes gave Haman his ring, so that he could print the seal on all of the documents sent out to each province that ordered the killing of all the Jews. :'( I don't know what to do, these are my friends! Stupid Mordechai!!!! I just have to keep quiet about who I am, or I'll be dead too.

This has turned into an awful series of unfortunate events, how did Vashti keep up with this?

Would you trust this man with your government?
Stay safe,

Esther x

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